ab Job advice

Struggling to find work? put your best foot forward with our simple tips

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For job seeking tips

ab Recruitment is a highly experienced and professional recruitment company who can help unlock your hidden potential. We work with individuals and groups throughout Australia to provide practical, sustainable job seeking tips.

Please browse this page for a few job seeking tips on how to prepare yourself for the process, or contact us for more information.

Use our sustainable job seeking tips to Transform your approach & gain a new outlook with the help of ab

Personal grooming

First impressions do count. Always attend interviews clean and tidy. Dress neatly and choose clothes which are appropriate for the advertised position. Regardless of what type of work you are looking for, wearing a track suit will not make a good impression.

Dress for success! Tell yourself you look and feel good and you will make a positive impression. Remember to sit up straight, be attentive and polite.

The interview

Research the company prior to the interview. Motivate yourself by telling yourself you will get this job. Be on time, be yourself and try to project confidence. Listen carefully to questions being asked and be honest with your answers. Speak clearly and try to relax, the interviewer understands you may be nervous.

Take a copy of your resume. When the interview has finished, look back and analyse how you feel things went. Regardless of whether you get the job or not, learn from the experience and don't give up, keep trying and you will do better next time.

Sell yourself!

Your primary aim is to get the job, in order to do this you will need to list your good points and personal achievements. If you don't sell yourself no-one else will!

Forget your weaknesses as we all have them, picture yourself as you would if you had just bought a new car and you were telling a friend how wonderful it is, 'the car has air conditioning, a great radio, it's a gorgeous blue, etc.'

Think of the things you are good at and why, tell your potential employer! Tell them why you are the right person for the job.

Letter of application (if used)

As your first point of contact with the company this letter is very important. It must be presented well, be brief and to the point. You aim here is to detail why you are the best person for the job. Provide all information asked for in the advertisement and be clear and concise.

Note you don't need a letter of application if you use the ab Recruitment for online applications. However make sure any requested information is in one of your resume fields or in the personal profile section if none fit.

Telephone technique

Have a pen and paper ready. Before making your call, plan what it is you are going to say.

Prepare a list of questions, speak clearly and get straight to the point in an interview time is given make sure you write down the details; the time, date, place and contact name to ensure you don't forget. If you don't understand something, ask to have it repeated.

Resume/curriculum vitae

A resume/curriculum vitae is a summary of your personal details, personal characteristics, employment history, education and training, career objectives, referees and personal hobbies.

Due to the changing working environment in Australia, trades people and labourers are also expected to supply resumes. You can create your resume online with ab Recruitment then use it to apply for any of our jobs throughout Australia.

This is much quicker and easier than sending off a paper copy. We hope you have found our job seeking tips useful. Now go ahead and give it your best shot!

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